صفحات الموسيقا

أحمد الخطيب – صدى

أحمد الخطيب – صدى
Ahmad Al-Khatib – 2005 – Sada

Ahmad Al-Khatib is a rising star as an Oud soloist, specialising in the modern Iraqi school of Oud performance. Ahmad was born in Jordan to Palestinian refugee parents. He started to play Oud at an early age, and later studied music and cello playing at Al-Yarmouk University in Jordan where he graduated with honors in 1997. In 1998, Ahmad came back to his homeland, Palestine. He was instrumental in developing the Oriental music Department at the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music (ESNCM), later heading it until August 2002, when he was forced to leave Palestine. Ahmad continues to work for the ESNCM, liaising between Palestine and other music conservatories in the Arab world. At present he lives in Sweden, where he is performing recitals and undertaking a Masters in Ethnomusicology at the University of Gothenburg. Ahmad released his first solo CD, Sada, in 2004.
حكاية شرقية
النيل الأبيض
سماعي غفران
تمرين نوا أثر



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